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Once your child turns two years you may put their name down on the nursery waiting list. This must be done in person with the school receptionist. You will be contacted by the end of June if your child has successfully been allocated a place for the September after they turn three.


We have three reception classes; Rosewood, Sparkleberry and Jackalberry.

Learning is carefully sequenced to help our Reception children build their learning over time and ensure readiness to progress successfully through to Year One and beyond.

We use the Bug Club Phonics programme throughout our Early Years and Key Stage 1.

Key Stage One

We aim to make the transition from EYFS to Key Stage 1 as smooth as possible, so when the children begin Year 1, their teachers know exactly how to develop and challenge their learning. Each classroom has an outside area, similar to Nursery and Reception, and we aim to utilise these as much as possible, since lots of the learning is practical and centred around real resources.

The children study a variety of curriculum areas, including Science, Art, Design and Technology, RE, Music, History, Geography, PSHE and ICT in a way that is challenging and motivating. Children also have daily Phonics lessons and PE lessons twice a week.

Key Stage Two

In Key Stage 2 we continue to build on the positive learning experiences from Key Stage 1. We want our children to develop a love of learning and strive to ensure that all of our children aim to be the best that they can be. We shape our curriculum to ensure it is fully inclusive of every child and that it addresses each aspect of how a child develops, progresses and grows both academically and emotionally. Our curriculum reflects the requirements of the National Curriculum and is delivered through meaningful, coherent and rich learning experiences.

The children study maths and English daily and have Physical Education lessons twice weekly. We also provide swimming lessons to children in year 5.

Please find below the Department for Education Key Stage 1 and 2 framework document